AI Advances EXAMPLE: People End Climate Change

How AI Will Fix Climate Change

(2:10 minute reading time)
A new and growing climate problem is the massive expansion of AI computing in data centers world wide

AI Pain Point:

AI's large computing costs damage sustainability, and current AI solutions do not significantly address climate change at a global scale.

AI applies a person's sustainability goals to their devices' interfaces and interactions. As users make sustainable choices, vendors align with sustainable users

Expandiverse IP Advance:

Personalized AI transforms each person’s sustainability goals into daily actions, creating individual impacts that are visible personally. Their scalable collective impacts are visible anonymously to redefine people-led markets that transform companies, industries, and the economy.

As AI empowers everyone with the most effective sustainable choices, aggregated anonymous data makes collective progress visible and improvable

The Big Idea:

AI with Expandiverse IP empowers individuals to drive personal and global environmental progress. It amplifies personal goals with proven AI solutions, enlarging individual achievements into collective impacts on vendors and markets. Everyone can lead their own fixes in today's climate changing lifestyles, markets, and industries.

How does it Work? Personalized AI helps users set eco-friendly goals and provides real-time choices privately. Individual actions are aggregated anonymously, optimizing solutions so everyone knows the most effective and desired choices. Expandiverse IP reports personal progress privately and shows vendors anonymous collective market transitions, enabling them to provide the sustainable products and services people want. By choosing one AI goal, people evolve both sustainable lives and a sustainable economic system.

What’s the Difference? Expandiverse IP applies personal goals in AI-driven interfaces, so interactions produce visible environmental progress, assisting everyone in living sustainably while evolving the “system” toward producing world-scale sustainability.

Global inclusion comes from low-cost lookups of the "best choices" proven for each goal and step. The anonymously aggregated results produces explainable quantitative "Active Knowledge" funnels that help lift lives everywhere

aI's next level:

Here’s how AI advancements with Expandiverse IP can drive sustainable lives:

  • Sustainable Living: AI assists users in meeting personal sustainability goals in food, energy, consumption, and other areas.
  • Adaptive Guidance: Real-time assistance computes with low-cost real-time lookups, then AI evolves the “best choices” with user results to provide continuously improving solutions.
  • Eco-Impact Reporting: Private dashboards show personal achievements, while public dashboards report anonymous collective progress. Accelerators include gamification, badges, competitions, and more.
  • Public and Vendor Coordination: As environmental disasters convert millions to sustainable goals, AI-driven insights help vendors tailor eco-friendly products, enhancing an “AI Solutions Economy” that responds to people’s goals and choices.

The Big Picture: Expandiverse IP democratizes AI's benefits and growth, empowering billions to progress toward universal goals like sustainability and improving life, by always knowing the world’s best choices for their everyday activities.


Discover how Expandiverse IP's AI-driven interactions generate new revenue streams for these AI providers:

  • Personalized Transactions: AI-driven sustainable transactions are completed privately, generating revenues for each AI provider’s private store.
  • Vendor Revenues Growth: Anonymous user data guides responsive vendors in tailoring their offerings to fit user-led goals, growing their revenues and market share.
  • Eco-Friendly Purchases: AI grows transactions for sustainable products, benefitting the AI provider and vendors.
  • Dynamic Adaptation: As AI learns from real interactions, continuously optimizing solutions for sustainable users, starting a people-first “Visible Hand,” the ultimate evolution of free markets.

Quantitative AI Solutions Economy Funnels: AI identifies and optimizes the best solutions people choose, then low-cost goals-driven lookups deliver real-time sustainable choices. These grow personal and collective progress worldwide
The market value of leading companies is boosted or destroyed by market shifts: When sustainability drives growth or decline in revenue and profits, leading companies face an existential need to switch their products and services to fit the market's shift. If they don't, they face a market value collapse when their market share shrinks. Leaders are as vulnerable as they are strong.


As climate disasters grow into larger catastrophes, personalized AI aligns each person’s sustainability goals with daily actions, creating individual progress and scalable collective impacts on markets and industries:

  • User Scenario: As an unbearable European heat wave drags on, AI can help people across Europe choose their sustainability goals, adapt their daily choices, and see their collectively shifting markets. With social media sharing, they can scale these market redirections quickly during each successive climate disaster.
  • Business Scenario: Leading companies are vulnerable to large and fast market shifts. They must respond quickly to collective AI-driven demands for sustainable products, with each company's leaders either accelerating their sustainability or declining and being replaced.
  • Global Scenario: Frequent climate disasters can drive the growth of AI-empowered sustainable lifestyles, markets, and industries — transforming more lives and societies as sustainability becomes a normal personal goal.

The Bottom Line: 

Adopting Expandiverse IP enables AI providers to empower billions to drive many kinds of environmental sustainability through their AI-driven daily interactions. Sustainability starts the monetization of a people-first “AI Solutions Economy” and a Global AI Renaissance that lifts both everyone and the planet.

Connect with us to add Expandiverse IP and transform AI challenges into revenues and climate change solutions.

AI providers can empower billions to drive sustainable markets with their AI-assisted daily interactions — producing billions of transactions in the AI provider's private markets, and faster company shifts into sustainable businesses.

For more on the Expandiverse IP quantitative process, see the AI Revenues Funnel Metrics page.

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AI Revenues

Dan Abelow,
Expandiverse Innovator and Founder

3-minute Bio: Click to view full size



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